Psychotherapy with
Dr. Amy Hecht
Individual Psychotheraphy
Anais Nin said, “There comes a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud is more painful than the risk it takes to blossom. ” Psychotherapy is sometimes the most effective way to begin to blossom. The slow and comfortable establishment of mutual trust will come first as we work to fully understand your unique personality and situation. Together we will explore the source(s) of pain or struggle in your life & identify practical, workable solutions. You & I will work as a team to ensure you have the support you need as you begin to feel better about yourself and your life. You and I will work as a team to find the source of what holds you back and weighs you down. I will give you skilled, gentle guidance in changing, while providing the support you need as you begin to feel better about yourself and your life. I’m a fairly active therapist—you won’t be left talking to a “blank wall.”
Every person has a unique inner life, shaped by a stream of personal experience that nobody else fully knows. I honor that specialness, avoiding assumptions about who you are or just what you need. As you share with me more and more of the life you’ve lived, I help you shape your own story into one that makes good sense to you—changing burdens like shame, guilt, blame, envy, or resentment into insight, empathy, and understanding. My training, research, and many years of clinical experience tell me that peace comes mainly from making wholesome and genuine connections with other people. That can be hard to do, especially in a society that emphasizes constant competition. No culture is perfect, and often the one that surrounds us has limited respect for human diversity, for the challenges of living, and for the humble strength it takes to be vulnerable enough to stay fully alive. Therapy is a safe place to explore your possibilities, identify and replace harmful patterns of thought and action, and heal the pain that makes it hard to think clearly. We all deserve a therapist, whether our current goal is just to survive and to cope, or to grow and to flourish.
Couples Counseling
We provide telehealth, which means that in most cases our services are also available online. Let us know whether you’d prefer to meet in the office or online.
The Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, or PSYPACT, allows us to see clients outside of North Carolina via telepsychology. An updated map of states that are included in this agreement can be found at
Currently, PSYPACT includes Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Delaware, District of Columbia – DC, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas,
Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Michigan (Enacted 12/22/2022; Effective 3/31/2023) Rhode Island (Enacted 6/21/2022; Effective Tentatively 3/1/2023).
Get In Touch With Us
Please contact us at if you are interested in doing telepsychology. We will schedule a time to talk to see if this option is suitable for what you are hoping to address in therapy. If you are interested in doing telepsychology. We will schedule a time to talk to see if this option is suitable for what you are hoping to address in therapy. If, for some reason, we decide not to pursue telepsychology together, I will work with you to identify local or other resources you can access.